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Exploring the Ins & Outs of Dry Camping

Are you looking for a way to get closer to nature, escape the hustle and bustle of city life, and have a unique camping experience? If so, dry camping might be just what you need. This type of camping involves going off the grid without the convenience of full RV hookups. But don’t worry. This style of camping offers a variety of benefits and can be a fun and rewarding experience for anyone who loves the great outdoors. So, buckle up because North Atlanta RV Rentals is here with some tips on the ins and outs of camping without hookups.

Exploring the Ins & Outs of Dry Camping

What Is Dry Camping?

Dry camping, or boondocking, is camping without hookups for water, electricity, or sewage. This camping style allows you to get away from the crowds, enjoy the tranquility of nature, and explore remote places that regular campers can’t reach. Boondocking is a great way to experience nature while still enjoying some of the comforts your RV provides.

How to Prepare for Dry Camping

Before heading out to any location, it’s important to take all the necessary precautions and have the right gear. First and foremost, make sure you fill up your fresh water tank before heading out. Additionally, make sure you have full propane tanks to ensure you can run amenities like your refrigerator and hot water heater. Finally, dump any waste from your black and grey tanks to guarantee you don’t run into an issue with full tanks without hookups. Remember: While boondocking is fun, your resources and tanks are limited, so map out local refill and dump stations if you plan on staying in one spot longer than a week.

Best Dry Camping Locations in Georgia

Georgia offers a wealth of dry camping opportunities! Some of the most popular and scenic destinations include:

Get Ready to Hit the Road

Dry camping in your RV rental from North Atlanta RV Rentals can be a challenging and adventurous way to experience the natural world. Still, it also requires careful preparation and respect for the environment. So, before you head out of Atlanta, GA, ensure you’re well prepared. Not sure which RV to go with? Call us at (770) 966-1551, and we’ll walk you through all the features of our Class A and Class C motorhomes and travel trailers.